The retail space wasn’t listed on any commercial real estate site. Other tenants in the shopping plaza didn’t know it was available for lease. Nor did brokers—except Andrew Goble and his colleagues at the Thomas Duke Company.
Alert to his market, Andrew knew that a tenant had recently moved out of the location. Though unlisted, that property was stored in the Duke Company’s industry-leading database.
So when a client came to him in need of a new space with features difficult to find on the market, Andrew knew about that vacancy. He called the building’s owner directly and learned that he was willing to lease the space again.
In a completely off-market deal, Andrew secured his client a space that met his needs exactly on terms that happily met his budget expectations. It’s a match that wouldn’t have happened without a broker who knows of places hidden in plain sight and is willing to go directly to their owners. Best of all, because brokerage services are free to tenants, his perfect match came to Andrew’s client at no cost. Buyers too get this expert service free of charge.
If you’re looking for a new space for your business –to lease or to buy—why not call a broker who knows his market from hidden side out?