With 30 years of experience and a history of successful sales of student rental properties, we sometimes think we know all the possible obstacles to closing on these deals. Then we get a call to take on a new student rental listing, and we discover the obstacles arranged in a whole different way—presenting us a challenge not quite like any we’ve encountered before.
Such was the case with 1014 Vaughn Street in Ann Arbor. The obstacles to a successful closing included an expired certificate of occupancy, limited lending options, and a less-than-first-rate inspection. We decided to take on the challenge. Drawing on our long-standing relationships with the lender, the title company, the buyer and seller, we helped both buyer and seller meet their overall goals and walk away from the sale satisfied.
The sale of 1014 Vaughn Street is our 11th sale of student rental investment properties in the past 12 months. The reason for this success is the effort we dedicate to every listing, using a process proven and tested in over 30 years of business.
We welcome the opportunity to take on your real estate challenge. Email Jim Porth (jporth@thomasduke.com) or Sarah Grabinski (sgrabinski@thomasduke.com) at the Thomas A. Duke Company, or call us directly at 248.476.3700.