At Thomas Duke, we believe finding the right space is about more than securing a building—it’s about creating an environment that supports growth and success. Here’s how we helped Financial Services of America (FSA) find their ideal office space within a tight timeline, while delivering on every promise along the way.
FSA’s CEO, Richard James, needed to relocate his team quickly due to challenges with their previous office space. With only 65 days to find, customize, and move into a new location, FSA needed a partner who could act fast, make quick adjustments, and deliver a high-quality solution on time.
When FSA connected with property manager Trevor Duke, they found a partner ready to listen and understand their specific needs. Working closely with Richard and his team, Trevor ensured that FSA’s vision became a reality, tailoring the layout to create the right mix of offices and workspaces. Our flexible building options and expert design team allowed us to adjust the space to meet FSA’s exact requirements—all within the 65-day timeframe.
We didn’t just deliver a customized office space on time; we went above and beyond. As FSA’s needs grew, so did their space. When they needed an additional 6,000 square feet, we expanded their office and completed the build-out in just 45 days, ensuring their growth was seamless. And, we contributed high-quality furniture and left by a former tenant, offering FSA added value and comfort in their new space.
Richard’s feedback says it all: “Everything they promised, they delivered. Their word is truly their word.”
Experience the journey firsthand—watch our video and read the full blog to see how we partnered with FSA to create a space they’re proud of.
Is your business looking for a space that’s tailored to your specific needs? Whether you’re on a tight timeline, need custom solutions, or want a partner who keeps their promises, we’re here to help. Reach out to Trevor Duke today, and let’s make it happen!
Contact Trevor Duke
(248) 476-3700