It seemed a match made in heaven: a seller and a buyer, both in the same mental health field; the seller, after a long career, ready to downsize, and the buyer ready to grow into exactly the size, design, and Troy location of the seller’s building.
Duke Company agent Jon Norton represented the seller, fielding the buyer’s early and strong offer – which the seller accepted. But disagreements arose between them during the first due diligence period, and the two parties went their separate ways.
Jon resumed showing the building to potential buyers, garnering several new offers. All the while, the original buyer and seller were both rethinking their positions. Both came to feel that their deal might be worth saving after all.
Like good matchmakers, Jon and the buyer’s agent put their heads together to do the painstaking, back-and-forth negotiation that helped their clients find common ground for a settlement.
Not only did that careful process result in an updated price and terms that both buyer and seller could agree on. It also led to genuinely congenial cooperation between them. The buyer welcomed the seller to stay and share the building for a month as both made their transitions.
The match was saved and a friendship made.
You don’t have to dread your next relocation. We can help make the transition smoother—and maybe surprisingly pleasant. Contact us today.