When the owner of the Pella Windows store on Seven Mile in Livonia needed to sell his building, he called the firm that sold him the building eight years ago: the Thomas A. Duke Company. The resale didn’t take long. After a brief period of marketing the property, we closed the transaction in August.
At the closing we thanked him for his repeat business, to which he replied, “Who else would I call? Not only are you guys already familiar with me, my business, and the building, you know everybody in the area!”
He’s right. This is the third time the Thomas A. Duke Company has sold the building.
Stories like this are echoed every week by the many clients of the Thomas A. Duke Company. We understand the needs of our clients, our market, and the many nuances that permeate every real estate deal.
Aside from a successful closing, this transaction illustrates some positive trends:
Yes, a lot has changed in the last two years!
We welcome the opportunity to help you become a success story like this one. For more information on this and other transactions, please email Frank Rakipi (frakipi@thomasduke.com) or Steven Valli (svalli@thomasduke.com) of the Thomas A. Duke Company or call directly at 248.476.3700.